TANTO, TANTO (2023) MENINGKATKAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN MENGGUNAKAN SERVICE QUALITY (SERVQUAL), KANO dan QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT (Studi Kasus SMK Brantas Karangkates Kabupaten Malang). Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang.
ABSTRAK Tanto, Program Studi Magister Teknik Industri, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Desember 2022, Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Service Quality (Servqual), Kano dan Quality Function Deploymen, Tesis, Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Hj. Ellysa Nursanti, ST, MT, (II) Dr. Dimas Indra Laksmana, ST, MT. Hasil survey awal melalui wawancara terhadap beberapa siswa, orang tua siswa, di temukan ketidak puasan terhadap layanan sekolah, terdapat perbedaan antara kondisi ideal dan aktual yang jauh. Ini didukung data keluhan complaint ketidakpuasan customer serta belum ada upaya dari pihak sekolah untuk memperbaikinya, penelitian terdahulu belum ada yang focus kemari. Sehingga penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan demi kelangsungan hidup lembaga pendidikan ini agar tetap bisa eksis di tengah banyaknya persaingan antar sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya yang dapat dilakukan guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Populasi di penelitian ini melibatkan siswa kelas 12. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan kuesioner, sedangkan analisis yang digunakan adalah integrasi metode Servqual, Kano dan Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode Servqual didapatkan 25 atribut layanan menunjukkan hasil negatif. Sedangkan metode Kano diperoleh 22 atribut kategori penting. Berdasarkan hasil integrasi metode kualitas pelayanan Kano ke dalam metode QFD, didapatkan 3 atribut menjadi prioritas untuk diperbaiki yaitu menerapkan 5S, mengadakan polling guru dan karyawan dan penambahan alat praktek. Solusi perbaikan untuk lembaga pendidikan SMK Brantas adalah menerapkan manajemen 5S, mengadakan penilaian kinerja karyawan secara rutin dengan mengadakan polling, menambah peralatan praktek di jurusan. Solusi ini dipilih karena nilai importance of how yang tinggi. Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Pelanggan, Servqual, Kano, QFD ABSTRACT Tanto, Graduate Program of Industrial Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, December 2022, Increasing Customer Satisfaction Using Integration Of Service Quality, Kano, and Quality Function Deployment, Thesis, Advisor: (I) Dr. Hj. Ellysa Nursanti, ST, MT, (II) Dr. Dimas Indra Laksmana, ST, MT. The results of the initial survey through interviews with several students and parents of students found dissatisfaction with school services, there was a big difference between ideal and actual conditions. This is supported by data on customer dissatisfaction complaints and there has been no effort from the school to fix it, no previous research has focused here. So that this research is important to do for the survival of this educational institution so that it can still exist amid a lot of competition between schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts that can be made to improve the quality of service. The population in this study involved grade 12 students. The sampling technique used a questionnaire, while the analysis used was the integration of the Servqual, Kano, and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods. The results of the study using the Servqual method obtained 25 service attributes showing negative results. While the Kano method obtained 22 important category attributes. Based on the results of the integration of Kano's service quality method into the QFD method, it was found that 3 attributes became priorities for improvement, namely implementing 5S, holding teacher, and employee polls, and adding practical tools. The improvement solution for the Brantas Vocational School is implementing 5S management, conducting regular employee performance assessments by holding polls, and adding practical equipment in the department. This solution was chosen because of the high importance of how. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Servqual, Kano, QFD
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kepuasan Pelanggan, Servqual, Kano, QFD |
Subjects: | Engineering > Industrial Engineering |
Divisions: | Program Pasca Sarjana > Teknik Industri S2 > Teknik Industri S2(Tesis) |
Depositing User: | Users 1078 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 17 Feb 2023 02:06 |
Last Modified: | 16 Mar 2023 05:06 |
URI: | http://eprints.itn.ac.id/id/eprint/10707 |
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