ABSTRAK Ainun Zakiyah, Implementasi Manajemen Energi Untuk Perbaikan Efisiensi Pemakaian Energi Listrik di Universitas Islam Malang (Studi Kasus Pada Gedung B). Tesis Program Studi Teknik Industri, Program Pascasarjana ITN Malang, Pembimbing I : Prof.DR.Eng Ir. Abraham Lomi,MSEE., Pembimbing II : Fourry Handoko, ST.SS.MT,PhD. Gedung B Unisma merupakan salah satu gedung baru 7 lantai yang difungsikan sebagai ruang kantor, ruang perpustakaan fakultas dan ruang kuliah. Gedung ini menyerap banyak energi listrik yang berasal dari pemakaian lift, lampu, AC, dan peralatan penunjang (PC, Laptop, Printer dan LCD) sehingga perlu dilakukan perhitungan efisiensi energi untuk mencapai penggunaan energi listrik yang efektif dan efisien . Penelitian ini menyelesaikan masalah rekayasa industri dengan perancangan suatu sistem terintegrasi antara material (ruangan yang ada di gedung B) dan energi dengan obyek Perguruan Tinggi. Berdasarkan standar IKE Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Intensitas Konsumsi Energi dalam ruang ber AC sebesar 7,92- 12,08 kwh/m2/tahun (kategori efisien). Dengan pendekatan Continuous Improvement melalui siklus PDCA akan diperoleh efisiensi energi dengan cara pengurangan jam pemakaian AC, Lampu, dan penggantian lampu TL menjadi lampu LED. Penggantian lampu TL watt menjadi lampu LED berdasarkan analisa penggunaan software dialux untuk memperoleh lampu LED yang sesuai dengan standart luas ruangan dan hemat energi. Pada kondisi awal menggunakan lampu TL 2x40 watt setelah dilakukan simulasi menggunakan software dialux diperoleh konversi lampu LED 1x19 watt. Biaya listrik pada kondisi eksisting sebesar Rp 74.743.110 per bulan setelah dilakukan design dengan pemasangan AC dan lampu LED serta pengurangan jam pemakaian peralatan listrik biaya listrik menjadi Rp 34.766.971,2 per bulan. Sehingga diperoleh efisiensi pemakaian energi listrik sebesar 4,10%. Semakin besarnya pemakaian daya perlu dilakukan pengurangan jam pemakaian peralatan listrik dengan SOP tentang pemakaian peralatan listrik di masing – masing ruangan. Kata kunci: Continuous Improvement , Dialux , Efisiensi, IKE. ABSTRAK Ainun Zakiyah.Master of Industrial Engineering Study Program, Postgraduate Program, National Institute of Technology Malang. August 2018. Implementation of Energy Manajemen to Improve Efficiency Electrical Energy Use at the Unisma (Study case Building B). Supervisor (I) Prof.DR.Eng Ir. Abraham Lomi,MSEE., (II) Fourry Handoko, ST.SS.MT,PhD. Building B Unisma is one of new building 7 floor functioned for office,library, classroom, and seminar room. This building absorbs a lot of electrical energy, wich come from the use of elevator, lights, AC and supporting equipment (PC,Laptop, Printer and Projector) so it’s necessary to calculate energy efficiency to achieve effective and efficient use of electrical energy . This research solve industrial engineering problems by designing an intregated system between materials (room in building B) and energy with higher education objects. Based on the IKE standarts of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia , the Intensity of energy comsumption in an air-conditioned room is 7,92- 12,08 kwh/m2/year (efficient category). With the Continuous Improvement approach throught the PDCA cycle, energy efficiency will be obtained by reducing the usage hours of AC, lamps, and replacing TL lamps into LED lamps. Replacement of TL to LED based on analysis of Dialux software to obtain a suitable LED with standard room and energy saving . In the initial condition using TL 2x40 watt after simulated obtained conversion of 1x 19 watt LED lamp conversion. Electricity costs in existing condition amounted to Rp 74.743.110 per month after design and reduction of hours of using electrical equipment electricity cost become Rp 34.766.971,2 per month. So that the efficiency of the use of electrical energy is 4,10%. The greater the power consumption, it is necessary to reduce the hours of use of electrical equipment with SOP about the use of electrical equipment in each room. Key word : Continuous Improvement , Dialux , Efficiency, IKE.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Additional Information: | AINUN ZAKIYAH 16.111.004 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Continuous Improvement , Dialux , Efficiency, IKE. |
Subjects: | Engineering > Industrial Engineering |
Divisions: | Program Pasca Sarjana > Teknik Industri S2 |
Depositing User: | AINUN ZAKIYAH |
Date Deposited: | 28 Feb 2024 02:45 |
Last Modified: | 29 Feb 2024 03:32 |
URI: | |
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